Our Women's Ministry is a vital part of the ministry of First Christian Church. Women's ministries at our church are designed to make the big Sunday morning church experience feel a little smaller. Through classes and events, our main goal is to make women's ministries at our church a place where woman in our congregation can grow closer to community while ultimately growing closer to Christ. By meeting together, sharing meals, walking through curriculum, studying the Word, and simply sharing life with another, the women in our congregation have a safe place where they can get connected with the resources, support, and friendships to help them live fuller lives in Christ. No matter your stage or season of life, we want you to join us! 

Weekly groups

There are two Sunday School classes that are designed for ladies. 

The Joy Class (Room 107)

This ladies' class is led by Pat Newsome.  They enjoy not only discussing God's Word and relevant topics, but also supporting one another in prayer.


Women in Friendship (Room 302)

Ladies of all ages are invited and they always have room for one more!  They enjoy various Bible studies that are both practical and relevant to the strengths and needs of women. 

We also have a Sunday Night Group that meets in the Fellowship Hall from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. This is for mothers, they are using, “Power of a Praying Parent” by Stormie Omartian.

There is also a Wednesday Night Women's Bible Study that meets in Room 100 at 6:30 PM.

Lisa Horn is leading this class and they are studying “ We Saved You a Seat” by Lisa Jo Baker.

Women's events

Coffee Fellowship - Once a month our ladies have a Coffee Fellowship. The next one is Sept 23 at 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM at the home of Kendall Rightmyer. 

Ladies Night Out - The next Ladies Night Out will be on Tuesday night, October 24th at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Deborah Marshall, with Celebrate Recovery, and Women’s Prison Ministry, will be our guest speaker. A light supper will be served.