Our Structure

We are a body of believers that seek to help people to connect to Christ and to one another. To accomplish this, the ministries of FCC are broken into five sections. Below is a description of each ministry area with the leader(s) therein. We have five men that serve as elders, each is assigned a ministry area to oversee. 

Our staff consists of three full time staff (Lead Minister ~ TBA; Youth Minister ~ Interim Justin Fender ; and Office Administrator ~ Nancy) and two part time staff (Worship director ~ Kitty; and Director of Children's Ministries ~ Tracey). 


Ministries Include:   Sunday School; Classes and Seminars;                                                           and Prayer


Key Descriptors:  Challenging and Confessing    


Ultimate Goal:  Transformed lives; Maturity; and Disciple Makers   


Description:  The journey of spiritual formation is lifelong. As one comes to Christ, they need structure and challenging encouragement to help them mature into disciple makers. The church cannot make someone grow, but we can help to position them for growth.


Sunday School exists to help those in these small groups to learn, love, and serve. These small groups should seek to grow not only in knowledge, but in the love for the Lord and one another. Cultivating an atmosphere of joy and love, while still challenging the participants is essential. These Sunday School classes should seek to serve one another in times of sickness, loss, and need. They should also seek to serve those outside of Christ in order to show them the love of Christ. Classes are also taught on Sunday nights, Wednesday nights, and at other various times. 


The Prayer Ministry is critical to the success of the church. The Church was founded on the Day of Pentecost during a prayer meeting. We seek to be a people of prayer.

Outreach and Missions

Ministries Included: Missions; Events, Seminars, and Classes for these areas; Hospitality & Benevolence


Key Descriptors: Sanctuary, Safe, and Compassionate   


Ultimate Goal: Transformed Community and Culture

                        Compassionate Community  


Description: When Jesus ascended into heaven, he left the church as the lifeboat to a dying world. The Great Commission implores all Christians to reach out to the lost. Jesus said that on the Day of Judgment he will ask about our compassion toward others. Therefore, we place a high value on outreach and missions.


Our Missions Team exists to be stewards of the missions money given by the congregation, to research and communicate with our missions, and to educate and equip our congregation about and for missions.


Throughout the year we have events that are designed to draw in those who do not have a church affiliation. These include, but are not limited to, Easter services (Good Friday, Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Services), VBS, camps, Trunk or Treat, Thanksgiving meal, children’s musicals, Christmas Eve service, and special events. 


Our Hospitality and Benevolence ministries serve both those within the congregation and those outside our congregation. They allow the congregation to show love and compassion to those in need. 

Family Ministries

Ministries Included:  Early Childhood, Children, Youth,                                       and Families


Key Descriptors: Celebrate, Committed, and Holistic  


Ultimate Goal: Transformed Families, Healthy, Holistic,                             and Functional Families


Description:  The family unit is the building block of society. Throughout the Word of God the importance of healthy families is stressed. However, the family has been greatly damaged in the last couple of generations. Most in our society comes from or are a part of dysfunctional families. We make it a priority to minister to and equip families in our community.


Our Early Childhood, Children’s, and Youth ministries exist to teach the love, truth, and ways of Jesus. These ministries celebrate the accomplishments, uniqueness, and victories of our families. They help to provide a safe place where students can encounter the love of Christ through our volunteers, the truth of Christ through the Word of God, and the ways of Christ through our example.


Our ministry to families goes beyond these specific ministries. We seek to involve youth in all aspects of the congregation where appropriate. We also hope to minister to parents, grandparents, and others through classes, seminars, and mentoring. 


Ministries Include: Sunday Morning Worship Service, Praise Team, Teach Team and Website, Communion to Shut-ins, and Carolina Rest Home

Key Descriptors:  Sacred & Called Out


Ultimate Goal: Transformed Reality and Awe


Description: The local congregation is called to be a place of sacred awe. We are called to help people experience the reality of the power, presence, and peace of the Lord. Worship is more than what is done on Sunday mornings, however this is the time most learn what worship is and how it is done. Therefore, it is paramount that we give our best to the Lord with our worship.


The Sunday morning worship service is celebratory, for we worship the living, risen Lord. It is also reverent, because we worship the omnipotent Lord. Our worship is full of thanksgiving, for we worship the grace giving Lord. In our worship, we strive to help the congregation to leave the distractions of this world to put their eyes upon the Lord. To this end, we give our best, for He is worthy. These servants serve in the praise team, technical teams, and with the setup of the services with joy and awe.


Our Carolina Rest Home ministry exists to provide a time of worship and encouragement to the residents. The Communion to Shut-ins ministry exists to serve those who are unable to attend our worship service due to health reasons. We want these saints to know they are loved by God and the church of which they are a part.  

Community Formation

Ministries Included: Men’s and Women’s Ministries, Sr. Christian Fellowship, Buildings and Grounds


Key Descriptors: Called Together & Celebration


Ultimate Goal: Transformed Relationships and Unity


Description: The local congregation is called to be a place of celebration. We celebrate our Lord, our unity in Christ, and our accomplishments for the Kingdom. We are called together in the name and authority of Jesus to worship and serve. It is vital to develop an atmosphere that is conducive to building spiritual relationships.


For this to happen, there needs to be a focus upon raising up Godly men and women through our men’s and women’s ministries. The purpose of the Men’s and Women’s Ministries is three-fold: to learn, to love, and to serve. These ministries help adults to learn what it means to be conformed into the image of Christ, to be the husbands, wives, parents, and spiritual friends that are needed. These ministries also foster loving relationships between those that are involved. Furthermore, these ministries lead adults into service where they put their knowledge and love into action.


The Senior Christian Fellowship exists to help encourage, equip, and enable our more senior saints. These Christians need to understand that they are valuable to God and to the congregation. Their wisdom, experience, and encouragement is important for the congregation to maintain unity and focus.


The Buildings and Grounds ministry is an ongoing, never-ending ministry. Our buildings and grounds will always be in need of maintenance, upgrades, and oversight. The church is not a building, but buildings and grounds are needed to accomplish the ministry goals of the congregation.